I am the beginner in this Golang. If you are looking for expert, I am not that guy. Anyway, I will tri to write this post as the beginner.


1. var and type


I think these "var" and  "type" are most used elements.

package main

import "fmt"

func main(){

 var i = 10;



This is the sample case. "var 1 = 10;" is the part to define the variable. It is different from others. There is no type such as int, float or string. In the Golang, the fomular is like below.

var <names> <type> = <expression>

Value names can be multiple. With this statements, the same case should be written like below.

package main

import "fmt"

func main(){

 var i int = 10;



In the GoLang, there is implicit statments like below. The "type" is followed from expression type. 

<names> := <expression>

Because of this, the sample case will be re-written like below

package main

import "fmt"

func main(){

 i := 10;




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