Today, I will start to learn how to use the GoLang. I am not good at the programming languarge. With this chance, I I hope that I can read the GoLang with basic grammer.


1. Installation

I will follow this instruction, which is offered by "Golang". 


I need to extract this file in any dictionary what you want. In my case, I will extract on my home directory.

# cd /home/ubuntu

# tar -xf go1.14.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz  

# rm -rf go1.14.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz  

# ls


After extracting, I need to edit my environment file to insert the Go binary path.

# vi /etc/environment


# source /etc/environment

Now I am ready to study this GoLang.

# go version

go version go1.14.1 linux/amd64


2. Test my first Go langurage.


I am writing first go programing as the sample like below.

# cat hello.go 

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

                fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")


There is the 2 ways to run this program. At first, It is "run" command. It can be ran without any compile.

# go run hello.go 
hello, world# go build hello.go

# ls
hello  hello.go  ubuntu
root@crenet_host:/home# ./hello 
hello, world# go build hello.go

# ls
hello  hello.go  ubuntu

# ./hello 
hello, world

In second, it is "build" command. It compile this file and create the binnary file. In this case, "hello" is the compiled file.



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