How to create Spot instance in cloud?

I usually use this cloud which offers the bare-metal public cloud. It is so much useful. AWS, Azure and GCP also offer public cloud. However, they base on the virtualization environment which make unknown issues. The cost is not cheap due to bare-metal offering. However, I don't worry about this cost, because they have spot instance. Please note, the instance will be removed without alarms and notification. Therefore it is not proper for the production.

1. Create new server.

I create the new server in my projects like below.


After "Click" the "New Server" button, I can see the "Deploy On Demand Servers", which insert some information to generate the servers.

2. Configure spot price.

When I deploy with information on the blanked field above figure, I can obtain the normal server which pay the full-cost. However, I do not want this in this post. I can see the "Options" button which is tagged with "SSH & USER DATA" 

After open the category, I can see the "Spot Market Options". When I insert the price which I want to pay, I can get the spot instance. Please note that the current bid is changeable. So I need to look this information more carefully. 

3. Deploy server.

Now, I am ready to deploy the spot instance. It is so simple. Now I can see the my processing status. I can see the "Type" information which is written with "Spot Instance"

4. Troubleshooting.

This is not about the I want to talk about Linux configuration. In my case, I usually use Ubuntu. After login, I can not "apt-get update", because of the repository issue. Most of usually, OS request to IPv4 address. However, IPv6 request is happend sometimes. In this case, I need to change some configuration. I have add single file in "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4"

# echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4

Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";

After then, I can run "apt-get" something. However, if I can "apt-get" something without this above, I do not need this.


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